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  • CO2: From a greenhouse gas to an industrial raw material
    Rather than being released into the atmosphere and exacerbating the problem of climate change, CO2 can also be used as a raw material for substances required in industrial processes, such as formic...
  • Artificial enzyme splits water
    Progress has been made on the path to sunlight-driven production of hydrogen. Chemists from Würzburg present a new enzyme-like molecular catalyst for water oxidation. Mankind is facing a centra...
  • Precision antibacterials - RNA-based antibiotics
    Similar to the vaccines against the coronavirus, RNA-based antibiotics could significantly improve modern medicine. Research teams from Würzburg have investigated the prerequisites that such antibi...
  • New CRISPR Element Regulates Viral Defense
    Researchers from Würzburg, Freiburg and Leipzig discover a mechanism for prioritizing the immune response in bacteria. What tasks need to be done today, and which is the most urgent? People hav...

  • Expansion microscopy allows the imaging of even the finest details of cell membranes
    Expansion microscopy (ExM) enables the imaging of cells and their components with a spatial resolution far below 200 nanometres. For this purpose, the proteins of the sample under investigation are...
  • A funnel of light
    Physicists of the University of Würzburg, in a joint collaboration with colleagues from the University of Rostock, have developed a light funnel apparatus. It could serve as a new platform for hype...

  • Virus multiplication in 3D
    Vaccinia viruses serve as a vaccine against human smallpox and as the basis of new cancer therapies. Two studies now provide fascinating insights into their unusual propagation strategy at the atom...

  • Tin for faster chips
    Intensive research is being conducted worldwide on a material that promises a revolution in data processing. For the first time ever, physicists have now produced this from a very simple substance....
  • A New Type of Laser
    University of Würzburg physicists have succeeded in creating a new type of laser. Its operation principle is completely different from conventional devices, which opens up the possibility of a sign...
  • Tracing Photochemical Reactions
    When light hits organic molecules, it triggers processes that are of considerable interest to scientists. But the individual steps of the reaction are very hard to identify. A study group at the Un...
  • Proteins on the Stretching Rack
    When proteins change their fold, this can lead to fatal consequences. Scientists of a European research network are looking for new methods to predict and control the behavior of these molecules. P...

  • Single photons produced electrically
    Physicists have succeeded in using semiconductor nanostructures to produce single photons electrically and transfer them via a quantum channel. The application of these single photon sources is see...

  • Living cells made to fluoresce
    Individual molecules and their dynamics can also be made visible in living cells using conventional fluorophores at a resolution of around 20 nanometers. How this is done is being revealed for the ...

  • Physicists make electron gas visible
    X-rays can be used to image hidden structures such as bones of the human body. But now, a team of Würzburg physicists has succeeded in demonstrating the electronic structure of an interface in a so...