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  • Searching for a sustainable solution without fossil bitumen
    Asphalt is the world's most important road construction material. In Germany, around 95 per cent of all road surfaces consist of this material - a mixture of aggregates and bitumen, a black petrole...
  • The rock that creates clouds
    Feldspar is very common in rocks. As atmospheric dust, this mineral contributes efficiently to cloud formation. Researchers at TU Wien have now discovered what happens during this process. Feld...

  • Bioprinting: Living cells in a 3D printer
    With a new process developed at TU Wien (Vienna), living cells can be integrated into fine structures created in a 3D printer - extremely fast and with very high resolution. Tissue growth and th...
  • Measuring the Laws of Nature
    A physical constant, which is of great importance for basic research, has now be re-measured, with much higher precision than ever before. There are some numerical values that define the basic p...
  • Superconduction: Why does it have to be so cold?
    Currently, there is no precise computation method to describe superconducting materials. TU Wien has now made a major advance towards achieving this goal and, at the same time, has furthered an und...

  • Amazing synthesis method for high-tech dyes
    Dyes that are also of great interest for organic electronics have recently been prepared and crystallised at TU Wien. All that is required is just water, albeit under highly unusual conditions. ...
  • Producing high quality images of individual atoms
    It is one of the most accurate measurement instruments available today: the high-performance microscope at the Institute of Applied Physics of TU Wien acquires images of individual atoms by moving ...

  • New polymers for creating artificial blood vessels
    Blocked blood vessels can quickly become dangerous. It is often necessary to replace a blood vessel - either by another vessel taken from the body or even by artificial vascular prostheses. Togethe...