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  • A quantum switch for the world's lightest mirror
    Researchers at MPQ have created a switchable metamaterial: an atomic array whose optical qualities can be tuned to become either reflective or transparent. The findings, which appeared in Nature Ph...

  • Modelling the molecular architecture
    Searching for new substances and developing new techniques in the chemical industry: tasks that are often accelerated using computer simulations of molecules or reactions. But even supercomputers q...
  • Direct Observation of Giant Molecules
    Physicists at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) achieved to form giant diatomic molecules and optically detect them afterwards by using a high-resolution objective. The tiny size...
  • Snapshots of carbon molecules C60
    When carbon molecules C60 are exposed to an intense infrared light, they change their ball-like structure to a more elongated version. This has now been observed via laser-induced electron diffrac...
  • Deterministic creation of entangled atom-light Schrödinger-cat states
    In 1935 Erwin Schrödinger formulated a thought experiment designed to capture the paradoxical nature of quantum physics. The crucial element of this gedanken experiment is a cat that is simultaneou...

  • The deuteron is smaller than previously thought
    The deuteron - one of the simplest atomic nuclei, consisting of just one proton and one neutron - is considerably smaller than previously thought. This finding was arrived at by an international re...
  • Mapping electromagnetic waveforms
    Temporally varying electromagnetic fields are the driving force behind the whole of electronics. Their polarities can change at mind-bogglingly fast rates, and it is difficult to capture them in ac...
  • Measuring system for light waves in the near-infrared range developed
    Those who want to explore the microcosm need exact control over laser light. Only with its help is it possible to explore electron motion and to influence their behavior. Now, scientists at the Lab...

  • Laser-based molecular fingerprinting
    Scientists often need to detect and measure levels of specific substances in a sea of irrelevant molecules, and infrared light offers an ideal tool for this task. Infrared radiation is invisible to...
  • A novel microscope for nanosystems
    Nanomaterials play an essential role in many areas of daily life. There is thus a large interest to gain detailed knowledge about their optical and electronic properties. Conventional microscopes g...
  • A novel source of X-rays for imaging purposes
    Physicists at LMU Munich and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics have validated a novel laser-driven means of generating bright and highly energetic X-ray beams. The method opens up new ways...

  • Watching the heart beat of molecules
    MPQ-scientists achieve rapid identification of complex molecules by applying coherent Raman spectroscopy with two laser frequency combs. A team of scientists around Prof. Theodor W. Hänsch and D...
  • Dr. Nathalie Picqué receives the Coblentz Award
    The Coblentz Society has elected Dr. Nathalie Picqué as this year's recipient of the Coblentz Award. Dr. Picqué is currently on long-term leave at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (Garchi...
  • Frequency combs for sniffing molecules
    Most molecules, including those of importance in medical diagnostics or pollution monitoring, have characteristic "fingerprints" in the mid-infrared spectral region. However, state-of-the-art mid-i...

  • With single laser pulses on single molecules
    Nowadays, large laser systems provide ultra-short light pulses of very high intensity which - in principle - allow the imaging of matter and its dynamics on atomic scales, down to a single molecule...

  • A Microscopic View on Quantum Fluctuations
    Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics achieve direct imaging of quantum fluctuations at absolute zero temperature.Fluctuations are fundamental to many physical phenomena in our e...
  • Professor Matthias Kling receives Röntgen Prize 2011
    Professor Matthias Kling, leader of the "Attosecond Imaging" Research Group at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching (near Munich), has received this year's Röntgen Prize from the Ju...
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