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  • Detecting pathogens with nanosensors
    Spectroscopic analysis methods can be used to detect pathogens such as bacteria or viruses - for example hospital germs, waterborne pathogens or zoonotic pathogens such as coronaviruses - with high...

  • Novel microscope for cancer ciagnostics
    Researchers from Jena, together with European partners from research, medicine and industry, are develop a novel microscopy technology. It should help to track down the cellular origins of cancer d...

  • Raman Spectroscopy: Research on the tip
    Microscopes let us peer into cells and the biochemical processes inside them. Processes taking place on much smaller scales, e.g. within single molecules, are the research focus of Dr. Marie Richar...
  • Innovative nanomaterial produced from natural substances
    Be it in spider silk, wood, the spaces between body cells, in tendons, or as a natural sealant for small wounds: protein fibres are found virtually everywhere in nature. These small protein fibres,...
  • Observing brain cells at work
    Tomas Cizmar's research work concerns new methods of controlling light propagation in optical fibres. The aim of his research work is to produce miniaturized fibre-optic probes which would enable h...

  • Label-free detection of viruses
    In cooperation with Heraeus Quartz Glass, Harvard University in the USA and Leiden University in the Netherlands, scientists at the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technologies (IPHT) have succeeded ...