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Proposal for Designation of 2011 as an International Year of Chemistry


At its recent Assembly on August 11-12 August 2007, IUPAC Council endorsed the plan to obtain United Nations approval of 2011 as an International Year of Chemistry. The Union is therefore pleased to invite all Adhering Organizations, Associated Organizations, and other Chemical Societies to assist with a designation that would create a strategic opportunity to communicate the central importance of chemistry in every facet of modern life.

The decade 2005-2014 is the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. As a central contribution to the decade, IUPAC wishes to enlist as large as possible various chemical communities support in obtaining designation of 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry.

Chemists play a key role in providing solutions to many of the major challenges facing the world today, helping to address the Millennium goals. This initiative is being led by the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), a worldwide scientific organization that objectively addresses global issues in the chemical sciences, and with a truly global reach with just about 50 National Adhering Organizations and 20 Associate National Adhering Organizations.

Source: IUPAC