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Nominations open for the 9th Polymer International-IUPAC Award


This award highlights creativity in applied polymer science or polymer technology. Recognize the achievements of your colleagues by nominating them.

The award will be presented at the IUPAC World Polymer Congress - MACRO 2024, July 1-4, 2024 in Warwick, United Kingdom. The winner will be awarded $5,000 plus travel and hotel accommodation expenses up to $3000, if required, to attend MACRO 2024, where they will present an award lecture.

The lecture at MACRO 2024 will either be in person, or online if travel is not permitted. The winner will also submit a Review article to Polymer International based on their lecture.

Deadline & Decision

Please send your nominations by email to Polymer International before 28 February 2024. Nominees must be up to 10 years post-PhD on 31st December 2023, and must be available to present an award lecture at MACRO 2024. The winner will be selected by members of the scientific committee representing Polymer International and the IUPAC Polymer Division.

» Further information and requirements

Source: IUPAC