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High throughput protein profiling for cancer research webinar with presenters from NKI and University Medical Centre Utrecht

The new Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer is setting a new standard for mass spectrometry performance, redefining what is possible and unlocking additional insights into biology and disease mechanisms.

The ability to conduct large cohort protein analysis with faster throughput, deeper coverage, higher sensitivity and accurate and precise quantitation enables a better understanding of the dynamic, temporal and spatial complexities of biology.

In this interactive webinar, we will briefly introduce underlying technology of the Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometry platform before opening the floor to a group of renowned cancer researchers who will describe their own early experiences with the system and their hopes and ambitions for advancing their own researches in this important and rapidly-advancing field.

As a participants in this webinar, you will have the opportunity to engage in an interactive panel discussion with these key opinion leaders and ask questions to further enhance your understanding of the current and future state of mass spectrometry-driven proteome analysis of cancer samples and how that can identify differentially expressed proteins, protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications that may be associated with cancer development, progression, or response to treatment.

What you will learn:

  • View the latest research in protein profiling
  • Learn about the Orbitrap mass spectrometry solutions
  • Discover how your cancer research can be empowered

Who should attend?

  • Scientific researchers in the field of cancer proteomics
  • Mass spectrometrists working in core labs in cancer institutes
  • Laboratory managers in cancer institutes

» Programmdetails und Anmeldung

Thermo Fisher Scientific
21.05.2024 | 11:00 - 12:30 Uhr Seminar (online)

Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
Im Steingrund 4-6
D-63303 Dreieich

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