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German Federal Minister visits WITec Headquarters in Ulm


The German Federal Minister of Education and Research Dr. Annette Schavan visited the WITec Headquarters in Ulm and was impressed by the innovative spirit of the microscope manufacturer. Looking at single molecules being made visible with WITec's nano-analytical imaging systems was a new experience even to Dr. Shavan. For WITec such characterization methods are every day's routine and Dr. Schavan marveled at the microscope technology developed and manufactured in Ulm. "The share of research and innovation in value creation is in no other industrial country as high as in Germany. For that reason companies like WITec represent the workshops for the future of our country". During her visit Schavan was informed about the performance of high-resolution optical and scanning probe microscopy and the numerous new developments or patents incorporated in WITec's modular product line. With more than 13 years of presence on the nanotech market, WITec has become an established global player and has always been profitable with an average annual growth rate of ten percent. Schavan was also impressed by the company's location in the science city of Ulm. "One can literally feel it: It's booming in the science city. Companies can grow in an attractive, scientific business neighborhood" said Schavan.

The successful technological development and the economic success most recently lead to the opening of a WITec branch office in Singapore serving the Asian-pacific market. WITec benefits from the rapid global development in the areas of nanotechnology, life sciences and materials science. In the field of medical applications, WITec is member of the bio-photonic research association Exprimage, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Science. An aim of this project is to develop new tools for tumor diagnostic. "It is always nice to see who we are supporting with one's own eyes. That is why I have very much enjoyed coming here", said Schavan at the end of her visit.

Source: WITec GmbH