Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


Buchi openssubsidiary in India


Buchi Labortechnik AG in Switzerland is proud to announce the opening of Buchi India Private Limited. Its headquarters are located in Mumbai and maintain regional offices in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi. Appointed as Managing Director is Mister Sanjay Seshadri.

Buchi serves the Indian market since decades and has achieved considerable market share. Especially the Rotavapor has achieved an undisputable market leader position in India. But Buchi also provides a wide range of other products and solutions to various Industries.

Buchi India is fully operational since the 1st of January and provides all services to end users. With his staff of over 40 people over all India, Buchi provides enhanced services over all products and applications.

With this major investment Buchi is further strengthening its position in the Indian market and can grant premium services to its Indian customers now and in the future.

Source: BÜCHI Labortechnik AG