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Online Laboratory Magazine


Tecan and GE Healthcare collaborate to optimize solutions for high throughput protein applications


Tecan announced that it will collaborate with GE Healthcare in the area of protein handling and screening. With recognized expertise in their respective fields of laboratory automation and protein detection, analysis and purification, the two companies will work together to optimize the combination of Tecan's automated instrumentation with GE Healthcare's pre-packed chromatography media, specifically in the area of high throughput protein applications.

The combination of the throughput, precision and robustness of a Tecan automation platform with the reproducibility, efficiency and minimal cross-contamination of GE Healthcare's pre-packed MultiTrap™ 96-well plates protein purification technology, will enable scientists to move forward more quickly in their research and focus on their areas of expertise.

"We know from our customers that the development of efficient multi parallel approaches to the cloning, expression, screening, purification and crystallization of proteins is extremely important in protein research," said Roland Durner, Market Manager, Tecan. "With this collaboration we are providing protein scientists with standardization, quality, consistency and reliability in protein expression screening."

"As the biotech industry's focus on proteins intensifies, the value for researchers of bringing together the complementary strengths of GE Healthcare and Tecan in protein separation, detection and laboratory automation is clear," said Konstantin Fiedler, General Manager, GE Healthcare Protein Sciences. "This collaboration is designed to provide customers with a seamless experience between GE's chemistry and Tecan's hardware, bringing maximum efficiency and reliability to their workflow."

The first application resulting from this collaboration focuses on protein expression screening. It provides a complete solution, optimizing multi parallel screening of tagged proteins, screening and optimization of expression buffer conditions and identification of protein constructs.

Source: Tecan