Analytik NEWS
Online Laboratory Magazine


Waters Corporation and ACD/Labs Announce Agreement to create new automated LC method development solution


Waters Corporation and Advanced Chemistry Development Inc., (ACD/Labs) announced an agreement to develop an automated method development solution for liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) integrating ACD/AutoChrom method development software with Waters® Empower™ 2 Chromatography Data software, ACQUITY UltraPerformance LC® (UPLC®) and Alliance® High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) systems. The product will reduce the time it takes scientists to develop LC and LC/MS methods of analysis from weeks to days or less.

ACD/AutoChrom is an automated chromatographic method development software solution that will interface with ACQUITY UPLC® or Alliance LC instruments through Empower 2 software, automating the method development process by running a series of intelligent experiments based on, and building upon, previously acquired data. This seamless connection between decision-making tools, and LC or LC/MS instrumentation control simplifies and streamlines the method development process considerably.

This new approach to method development is uniquely equipped to deal with complex samples, including those containing low-level impurities for which reference standards might not be available. Proprietary Mutual Automated Peak matching (MAP) technology in ACD/AutoChrom allows the analyst to track and match peaks during the development process, enabling positive peak identification and eliminating the need for individual standards for confirmation. Moreover, ACD/AutoChrom is the first such product that can simultaneously interpret and analyze data acquired from multiple detection techniques (LC/MS, LC/UV/Vis, LC/ELSD, and non-hyphenated detectors), greatly extending its versatility.

"We are delighted to be working with ACD/Labs, the premier provider of analytical chemistry software solutions," said Craig Dobbs, Senior Manager market Development, Waters Corporation. "This integrated system solution will bring new capabilities to chromatographers to reduce the often difficult, tedious, and frustrating process of developing high-quality, robust LC methods. This level of efficiency and ease of use has never been available to chromatographers before and our customers should realize immediate productivity gains."

Source: Waters Corp.